The Danish Potato Museum
The potato is a godsend and deserves to have its very own museum - find out much more about the delicious potato at Denmark's only potato museum.
Potatoes originated in South America and came to Europe in 1537, when the Spanish soldiers brought it along with their stolen Inca gold. Potatoes did not come to Denmark until the 18th century. In the beginning, they were not popular and were called German lumps. The owners of the Hofmansgave estate were interested in agriculture and botany, and they did a great job of telling about the good qualities of potatoes. As a result, Denmark's only potato museum is placed in Hofmansgave's park.
The Danish Potato Museum is an exhibition about the history of the potato with machines, figures, tools, machines and more.
Opening hours
As a rule, it is open in summer, i.e. approx. from 1 April to 30 October.
Check current opening times on the Potato Museum's Facebook page.
Open from sunrise to sunset.
Free entrance
Guided tour
Want a guided tour? You can buy a guided tour if you plan it with the Hofmansgave Estate office at info@hofmansgave.dk or +45 6482 1006.
Guided tours can take place within normal working hours.