Vildbjerg Sports- og Kulturcenter
Sports, hotel, training camp, conferences, parties and takeaway meals. In Vildbjerg Sports- og culture center the opportunities are many.
In Vildbjerg Sport- and Culturecentre the following activities in the swimming area will be offered:
- Morning swim: For the people who are fresh in the early hours and feel like starting their day with a swim.
- Pensioners: Pensioners swimming, exercise and a cozy atmosphere.
- Exercise swimming: Exercise swimming is for everyone, who wishes to swim, without having play and people jumping around them.
- Baby swimming: Baby swimming in the warm basin for children 0-3years of age and an accompanied by a grownup.
- Family swimming: Be with the family, dad, mum and kids. Children must be accompanied with a grownup.
- Swim and play: For everyone who wants to play, jump and romp around in the water.
It is also a possibility to have a children’s birthday in the swimming area.
For the opening hours of the centre click here.