Vejen Å
Vejen Å meanders thought the cultivated landscape north of Vejen. The stream flows rather close to the northern outskirts of the city and through a recreational area before it flows into at first Gamst Å, then Andst Å and finally reaches Kongeå southeast of Vejen.
Vejen Å is formed on the basis of a number of small streams starting in the area south and southwest of the town Bække towards the town Veerst and gathering near the town Drovstrup. Among other areas this area includes Kragelund Mose (moor) and Gesten Kær (water meadow). The widest part the stream is 3-4 m wide with deep holes, clear water and a meandering course. The course of the stream has never been regulated. Vejen Å flows approx. 9 km before it flows into Kongeå, which is a stream of significant size flowing in east-western direction.
The width of the north-south oriented rather flat river valley up to Vejen Å varies and the valley is located in a geologically interesting area. The ice front of the latest glacial period was located approx. 6 km east of Andst and its snow melt streamed out over the ice free landscape to the west. Vejen Å still flows in this landscape which is located significantly higher than the Kongeå valley itself. Vejen Å is part of a small subglacial stream trench which stretches from Andst to Vejen Mose. Along the stream trench near Vejen city were in earlier times at least 2 water mills.
You meet Vejen Å when you follow the hiking trek of Hærvejen and the cycle route north of Vejen. From the street Præstevænget, a small path, Jættehøjstien, between house number 30 and 32a leads into the area. The confluence with Kongeå is located between Knagemøllevej and Lundgårdsvej near to where the Kongeå passes the water mill Knagmølle.
Recreational fishing
Vejen Å has a large population of graylings and river trouts. You can buy a one year season ticket for fishery in Vejen Å from VOSF. (http://www.vosf.dk/fiskevand/vejen-aa/)
Recreational area
As the distance to costs and beaches is long, Vejen Å has earlier been the local bathing site for the citizens of the city. At some locations the stream is deep enough to swim there. In 1896 the active Johs. Lauridsen had a basin excavated next to the stream – 15 m wide and 50 m long - and with a depth up to 185 m to allow swim lessons. Unfortunately, the springs in the higher laying terrain leading ice-cold water to the basin had not been taken into account. Swimming lessons were given up, the basin was preserved and used as a skating rink in the winter time. Later a bathing site was established near the stream which was the “Bellevue” of Vejen.