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Stud Farm Ask

Stud Farm Ask offers many large events within the equestrian world.

On northwestern Hindsholm you will find Denmark's largest stallion station for jumping horses, Stud Farm Ask. Beautifully located in the countryside with views of both Schelenborg Estates and Dalby Bay.

Drop in to one of the venue's many events and experience some of Denmark's most beautiful breeding horses, most of which have achieved competition results at the highest international level. And please come in good time so that you can visit the stables, see the horses up close and breathe in the scent of real horse passion.

Meetings and awards at Stud Farm Ask

Stud Farm Ask holds meetings and awards from April to October. Among other things. you can experience the "Stutteri Ask Trophy", a competition in equestrian show jumping for children and young people, which will help develop and promote the Danish youth elite in show jumping.

You can watch from the front row when the "Stutteri Ask Summer Show" is held in show jumping at the end of July. The foal show in July and the mare judging in October are also definitely worth a visit. Not forgetting the open house, the stallion show and all the other highlights at Stud Farm Ask.

In fact, you don't have to be bitten by a mad horse to have a great experience at Stud Farm Ask.

Keep informed about all events at www.stutteriask.dk.