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Rise Church

Rise Church is located in the small village of Store Rise on Ærø

Rise Church was originally a Romanesque Church from the late 12th century.
Afterwards the building was provided with arches and extended twice (most recently in 1697!) towards the east, in order to accommodate the increasing population, particularly in Marstal who until 1738 went to Rise for their church services.

The triptych dates from approx 1300-1450 and depicts the Passion and the Resurrection. It is a carving from the town of Slesvig. There are no uncovered frescos.

The steeple is of the same type as that on Bregninge Church, and originally oak shingled, but in 1957 it was roofed with copper. In the churchyard wall towards the minister's garden is a gate from the Middle Ages (called the Monk's Gate, approx. 1450). Organ, 17 stops, Marcussen, 1883.

All Ærø's churches (except Ommel) are open all year at 8.00-16.00, except when church acts take place.