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The Ravning Bridge

King Harald Bluetooth and his people built a mighty bridge over the valley of Vejle Ådal around 980. At the site in Ravning Enge you can visit a reconstruction of two of the bridgeheads. The Raven Bridge remained Denmark’s longest until the opening of the first Little Belt Bridge in 1935.

What purpose the bridge served when constructed by Viking King Harald Bluetooth is unknown. The bridge was most probably only in active use for a few years and there are no indications that it has ever been repaired.

Some archaeologists theorise that the bridge was built to quickly transport troops across the river valley; others believe that it was constructed for traders crossing the swampy area.

One thing is certain, however. It required enormous resources of oak timber and manpower to build the bridge, whose foundations consisted of 1,800 wooden piles up to six metres in length and with a diameter of 30 x 30 cm. Close to where the Ravning Bridge once stood, you can now see a reconstruction, which lends a good impression of the dimensions of the impressive structure.

Ravning Station, a former train station on the Vejle-Vandel Railway located close to the reconstructed bridgeheads, features exhibition about the bridge and the archaeological excavations. You can also learn more about the railway and the station itself.

The Ravning Bridge is part of Vejlemuseerne. Find information on all exhibitions and events at www.vejlemuseerne.dk.