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Megin dinghy sailing

To steer your own boat is a great experience, especially when it is together with family or friends. The Megin dinghy is a modern version of the small boats used by the porpoise hunters. It is unsinkable, stable and easy to manoeuvre. You will have a trained instructor in a high-speed backup boat. All boats have a radio so you can get advice from the accompanying boat while underway.

We begin by instruction into the safety and use of boats, then we sail the pre-agreed route in the beautiful surroundings of Lillebælt. We find a beach along the way, where we go ashore. There will be stories about the area, enjoyment of the pre-ordered food and an opportunity to swim and possibly catch a shrimp or the like.

Everyone wears swimming- or life jackets while underway.

We reserve the right to cancel due to weather conditions.

The activity is available only during the summer months.