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Magical raku workshop at Leymus

Come and try your hand at making Raku ceramics over two sessions. The first day we make the pieces and the next day we glaze - and fire.

Raku firing is an ancient Asian pottery tradition where you fire your clay pieces in a converted barrel, for example. Raku produces the most exciting, unpredictable and beautiful expressions.
This course is for everyone! You don't need to be an experienced potter to take part, as long as you have the desire and courage to try. The Raku course is divided into two parts, with time to learn techniques and socialise around the barrel.

Part 1:
First we'll get our hands on the clay. We use a special raku clay that is slightly coarser and sturdier. You'll be introduced to 3 techniques and make 3-4 pieces that will dry and later be annealed in the workshop.

To get your pieces fired, you also need to sign up for part 2 of the workshop - that's when we light up the barrel!

Part 2:
It's time to fire! But first, it's time to glaze! While the glaze dries and the raku kiln heats up, we'll take a break for lunch, included in the price is a lunch (sandwiches or small hot dish). We fire in an insulated oil barrel. You can follow the heating via a hole in the lid. After about 20 min. the temperature is between 800 and 1000 degrees, the glaze melts and the clay is almost white-hot. Then it's time to switch off and place each item in a flammable material. It self-ignites and you put a lid on it, which prevents oxygen from getting in. During this process, the clay, where it has not been glazed, turns black and the glaze can crack due to the sudden change in temperature. Once the pieces are clean, we can admire them and you can take them home immediately.

Part 1 of the Rakuworkshop takes place on the following days:

4 July 10.00-15.00
13 July 10.00-15.00

Part 2 of the Rakuworkshop takes place on the following days:

3 August 11:00-15:00
4 August 11:00-15:00
27 August 11:00-15:00