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Linda P - Slutty Mary

Friday 13 September 2024 at 19.00.

There is a lot to look forward to when the popular comedian Linda P. makes a comeback on the comedy scene and visits MCH Herning Kongrescenter on 9 February 2024 on her Denmark tour. She's back as we know her: It's jokes, it's pure stand-up, it's as usual a tooth too much. As the title 'Slutty Mary' roughly suggests, Linda P. questions being 'slutty' when you become a mother - is it okay? And if not: How to check it? And does Linda P. mean it for sure when she says she's not bitter about being a single mother? You can find out much more about that, and more, until February 2024, when Linda P. makes her way past Herning for a hilarious Friday evening.