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Galleri Charlotte

 Charlotte Marseillais is a autodidact painter with her own gallery and studio in a beautiful old farm building from the 1711th.

I paint my pictures and icons intuitively; motifs and subjects reflected in the paintings are not defined in advance, but are emerging in the actual work with the acrylic colors.

The paintings are made in  a naturalistic symbolic language and has over the past 10 years gone through several changes, both in color and style. The themes in the images are often the feminine and masculine side of us and especially the interplay between them.

Through painting I express my feelings and joy of life and are thus not a reproduction of external things, but a reflection of my inner life.

The icons I paint are made on wood from old doors etc. here from the farm, which has its own colorful history.

Over the recent years I have had a close association with Italy. I have exhibited some of my paintings and icons in Torno at Lake Como and lately I took part in the Florence Biennale exhibition in Italy. My homepage is translated to English and is updated frequently.