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Fishing ground | Fur north west

The northwestern part of Fur is ideal for sea trout fishing. The uneven ground consisting mainly of clay, sand and pebbles, the steep moler cliffs close to the edge of the water, and the large number of fish makes it a great place for fishing.

The fishing ground is best when the water level of the fjord is higher than normal. When the water level is high you should be careful as the water can be deep close to the cliffs. From the eastern point “Svenskerhulen” to the western point “Store Knudshoved” there is almost 5 kilometers.

The moler in Denmark is 55 million years old and contains a large number of fossils from fish and birds, so keep your eyes open when you walk on the beach - you might find a special souvenir. From the top of the cliff there is a great view over the Limfjord, Fur, Livø, Mors, Salling, Himmerland, and Hanherred.

In fall 2015 the vantage points at the top of Knudeklint were established. The moler cliffs on Fur candidates for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

You can park by “Svenskerhulen” (east) Rødstenvej 1, or by “Store Knudshoved” (north) at the parking area by Fur Brewery.