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The Fairytale Forest (Eventyrskoven)

Do you believe in trolls? Or how about fairies? If not, then you will after visiting the Fairytale Forest. Here you will experience a unique experience garden focusing on nature, play and social activites, focusing on Danish legends and fairytales. 

Tales in Focus

We all love a good story. Would you like to be the main character of that story? As you make your way through this forest you can take part in the story by scanning QR-codes or by activating sensors with light and sound. Maybe the fairies are to blame. It is told that:

”One day at the dawn of time, God threw all the evil angels out of Heaven and down to Earth. The angels had sinned against God, but they could not all make it to Hell. They, therefore, fell down to earth in different places. Some fell onto farms and became farm dwellers – in other words nisse. Some fell on mounds and hills, and became mountain folk, gnomes or trolls. Those who fell in the sea became sea people. And finally, those who fell into bogs, upon meadows and in woods became elves or fairies”. BASED UPON THE LEGEND FROM KVÆRNDRUP, EVALD TANG KRISTENSEN DANISH LEGENDS, VOLUME 1, S. 3, 1.1

Come and learn more about the fun, mysterious and exciting legends and fairytales



Admission: 50 DKK per person. Children less than one year old can enter for free.

Feel free to contact the Fairytale Forest if you are interested in using the facilities for a children’s birthday party or booking a witch or a troll for your party.



  • Nature playground with motor coordination challenges
  • Sense path
  • Picnic facilities
  • Disability-accessible toilet facilities (closed during wintertime)
  • Changing table, first-aid equipment and bath facilities
  • Fairytale room with fairytale books
  • Free parking
  • Shelters and fire rings
  • Own production of herb salt and dandelion syrup for sale in the fairytale room