Experience the Iron Coast
The west coast of Jutland was feared by seamen for centuries. In stormy weather the sea was rough, and erratic current conditions easily led a ship on a catastrophic course. The west coast of Jutland was called the Iron Coast, as the surf could easily wreck a ship.
Experience the Iron Coast (Jernkysten) at close range – explore the area from Thyborøn to Hvide Sande. Visit the old rescue station, see the exhibits and get dramatic tales of the many wrecks and strandings.
Make your own tour from these suggested visiting places:
Thyborøn Redningsstation (Rescue Station) – the rescue station can be visited by appointment
Beddingsvej 1, 7680 Thyborøn
The Alexander Nevskij anchor – emergency anchor from the stranded Russian frigate Alexander Nevskij
The harbour, Havnegade/Bredgade, 7680 Thyborøn
The Alexander Nevskij Exhibition
Kystcentret, Kystcentervej 3, 7680 Thyborøn
Thyborøn Gl. Redningsstation - The old rescue station in Thyborøn is today a private residence
Vesterhavsgade 154, 7680 Thyborøn
Flyvholm Redningsstation (Rescue Station) – preserved as a museum
Open every day, all year around. Code to the door is required by phone via text message
Flyvholmvej 31, 7673 Harboøre
The beach guard shed by Flyvholm – the shed, from when a guard was posted by the coast during storms, still remains
Flyvholmvej 31, 7673 Harboøre
Harboøre Church and Cemetery – a number of memorials for drowned fishermen and sailors are found here
Søndergade 2, 7620 Lemvig
Liløre Redningsstation (Rescue Station) – today a private summer holiday home
Vejlby Klit 42, 7673 Harboøre
Ferring Redningsstation (Rescue Station) – is now a private residence
Redningsvej 5, Ferring, 7620 Lemvig
Bovbjerg Fyr (Lighthouse) – the light from the lighthouse can be seen 16 nautical miles at sea. Today the lighthouse is a house of culture and activity
Fyrvej 27, Ferring, 7620 Lemvig
Tuskær Redningsstation (Rescue Station) – exhibition about the rescue station can be visited during the summer months, from 10 am to 5 pm
Rubyvej 23, Fjaltring, 7620 Lemvig
Thorsminde Gl. Redningsstation – The old rescue station was remodeled as a church, today Thorsminde Church
Kirkevej 3, 6990 Ulfborg
Strandingsmuseet St. George
Vesterhavsgade 1E, Thorsminde, 6990 Ulfborg
Thorsminde Redningsstation (Rescue Station) – visits by appointment
Havnevej 3, Thorsminde, 6990 Ulfborg
Båker (beacons) – three-legged wooden constructions, that are part of a system of navigation marks
Verdesø: Vedersø Klithotel, Husby Klit, 6 km northwest of Vedersø
Husby: Vest Stadil Fjord, Hovvig, 7 km north of Søndervig
Årgab: Holmslands Klit, by Karen Brands Bjerge, 1,5 km south of Hvide Sande
Haurvig: Holmslands Klit, 9 km south of Hvide Sande
Lyngvig Fyr (Lighthouse) – Denmark’s highest located lighthouse
Holmsland Klitvej 109, 6960 Hvide Sande
Abelines Gaard (Farm) + Haurvig Redningsstation (Rescue Station) – from here several beach auctions was held and the farm housed sailors from wrecked ships
Sdr. Klitvej 87, Haurvig, 6960 Hvide Sande Hvide Sande Harbour – memorial stone for an accident in 1951 where a rescue boat sank Fossanæsvej 22, 6960 Hvide Sande