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Culture Night in the Castle Town of Hillerød 2024: A Celebration of Culture and History

Culture Night in Hillerød is a rooted tradition taking place on Friday, September 6th, 2024. It's a celebration of culture, history, and the rich cultural life that the city has to offer.

During Culture Night in Hillerød, you can venture out into the darkness and immerse yourself in a wealth of experiences with music, art, literature, film, and lectures while enjoying the enticing offers from the city's shops.

A program is coming featuring poetry readings, singer-songwriters performing in shops, and a painter creating art in another shop. A larger stage will be set up in the town square, providing a backdrop for various forms of entertainment.

Program for Culture Night

And as is customary during Culture Night, there will be plenty of small and significant activities, along with great offers in the shops and Slotsarkaderne, while the city's many dining establishments entice you with culinary delights for both palate and stomach.