The Crevice Garden, Bangsbo botaniske have
Northern Europe's largest crevice garden can be found in Bangsbo Botaniske Have in Frederikshavn.
The crevice garden is a big rockery where huge oblong limestone has been placed vertically and very closely together. This leaves deep, vertical crevices where the plants roots can find moisture and shade, replicating how nature has adapted in many places. The construction of the garden started in the spring of 2009; however the planting of the garden wasn't finished until June 2010 when Bangsbo Botaniske Havde had its Blomsterfestival (Flower Festival). The plants in the garden are alpine plants which can only thrive in Denmark if certain basic requirements are met. First of all, there can be no water around the crown of the plant, so there has to be extremely well drainage as well as meeting requirements for light and shade. This is why a crevice garden is ideal for alpine plants.
The garden is built on a core of washed sand, on top of that app.200 tons of limestone has been placed in an east/west pattern, this should make for the best habitat for the plants. The garden is divided into world corners this way it is possible to take a trip around the world through the different plants. Close by the big crevice garden, another garden has been constructed out of very heavy tufa, which is a very porous form of limestone. They are placed in a 'vessel' such as to allow the tufa to absorb moisture all the way to the top of the material and thereby ensuring that the plants, which are placed in cracks and crevices, get moisture.
It's possible to visit the crevice garden any time you want, but Blomsterfestival (the Flower Festival) is a good time to go see it, as you will be able to puschase alpine plants there, if you have been inspired to make your own crevice garden. At the festival, the Bonsai House will have an open house and the seasons Rhododendron will be in bloom. www.bangsboblomsterfestival.dk