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Why Not Birds?

Go birding - Why Not?

You probably know the feeling! A vacation or weekend is a time to "slow down", time to relax and recharge - but at the same time, you want something exciting to happen!

Why not go on a guided birding tour for a unique and different experience?

Experience the birdsong of spring, join a bike birding tour, and discover Ulvshale and its birdlife - or experience the many ducks, geese and other water birds that rest and feed on the salt marshes and shallow waters of Nyord and Ulvshale every spring and fall. There you can also see White-tailed Eagles, Peregrine falcons and other birds of prey most of the year. Or why not take a tour to see the thousands of Tufted Ducks that spend the winter in Jordbasinnerne at the old sugar factory in Stege.

Why Not Birds? organizes private guided birdwatching tours on Møn and Southern Zealand. We organize our tours according to the season, the birds and you, so that you get a unique and exciting birding experience - whether you have never done birdwatching before, are a beginner or an experienced birdwatcher.

Birdwatching is a great way to get outdoors and enjoy fresh air, light and exciting nature experiences - as well as being healthy and educational. When birding, no two days or trips are ever the same - you never know what birding experiences are out there. That's what makes birding fun and exciting!

Learn more and get inspired on the website.