Pælebjerg on Fanø
Pælebjerg is now a nice picnic spot, the view from the peak reveals the ocean, Fanø Dune Plantation, as well as a soft heath landscape.
North of the dune you find Pælebjergsøen, a little lake thought to be the remains of the channel, Elses Gab, which used to split Fanø into two. This lake is one of few natural lakes on Fanø, and the blooming water lilies in late summer make for a beautiful sight, whereas other beach lakes dry out during summer.
The surroundings of Pælebjerg also include a small lake - and during summer time there are plenty of water lilies in the lake. The Forest Playground and the marked Mountain-Bike trailis are close by, too. There are also quite a lot of marked hiking routes starting around Pælebjerg.
Pælebjerg is the highest mountain on Fanø - 21 meters, and is of course part of "The Big 5" the five highest mountains on the island.