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Hospitalmuseum, Randers

The museum is a local hospital museum, which shows the development in diagnoses and treatments right from the start of the hospital in Randers.

Hospitalmuseum in Randers

The museum is located in the cellar of Regionshospitalet Randers – entrance 1. From 1985 all the old scrapped instruments, apparatuses, etc. have been put away in unused cellar rooms. In 1990 a group of volunteers started furnishing an approx. 400-m2-large cellar room, which was used as an emergency hospital. The condition was that it would be possible to evacuate the premises in 3 days in case of a war or large disasters, during which such an emergency hospital was needed.

The collection

The museum has a comprehensive collection of old instruments and apparatuses right from small operation instruments to laboratory equipment, x-ray equipment, etc. which have been used up through the ages. The museum has 21 departments, so that is possible to feel the right hospital atmosphere from bygone days. Among other things, operation rooms and some of the things, which were used for examinations and operations. It is also possible to see an old delivery room with incubators, etc.


In addition, the museum shows video films about the activities of the hospital, for instance about operation methods, etc. Moreover, the museum also has a comprehensive collection of photos, taken by the photographer of the hospital.

The museum is run by volunteers. The volunteers have previously worked in the hospital, and therefore they can tell about the old days while you are standing in the “old, original settings”. You must experience the museum - it is certainly worth a visit.

Opening Hours

The museum is open every 1st and 2nd Tuesday of every month from 2 pm to 5 pm. Admission free. Groups can make an appointment on tel. +45 78 42 00 00.

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