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Galleri Bo
Galleri Bo exhibits art from all over the world and represents more than 26 artists in glass, ceramics, painting, bronze, stone sculptures and much more.
Permanent exhibitors are Mariann Byrdal - glass, Hanne Munk Kure and Christina Weldingh - raku / ceramics, Yanni Souvatzoglou - bronze. Paintings by Henrik Busk Andersen, Tove Andresen, Johanne Pallisgaard, Henning Christensen, Sidsel Brix and Maibrit Bo.
Open all year - Closing days may occur out of season, see website: http://www.galleriboshop.dk/
Gallery Bo gladly opens by appointment. Call Maibrit +45 40 30 51 01 or Pia +45 30 29 17 00.