Green Experience
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A world of unique experiences with sea animals for children & adults

Fjord&Bælt offers exciting and interesting presentations with the animals and stories that make you more knowledgeable about the blue universe of the sea. In the center's open aquariums, you can touch starfish and crabs while learning about their life in the sea.

In the long underwater tunnel, you see life on the seabed just as the animals see and experience it. And on your way down into the depths, you meet the skeleton of the great sperm whale.

Fjord&Bælt offers an experience where you feel, touch and generally use your senses. And, a little more from a distance, you follow how the harbor seals and the fascinating little whale, the porpoise, are fed and trained to participate in Fjord&Bælt's research work. Biologists and trainers are always at the center and ready to answer questions about the animals.

Training and feeding the animals can be experienced all year round at Fjord&Bælt. During the holidays there are special events for children. See the day's program at