There are a lot of shops and restaurants in Bredgade in Copenhagen, and if you like Danish design, the street is particularly interesting.
In number 68, you will find Designmuseum Danmark (The Danish Design Museum), which offers displays of decorative art, crafts, and industrial designs from the Western world and Asia from the late Middle Ages and up to the present.
The auction house Bruun Rasmussen in number 33 is one of the oldest auction houses in Denmark. Here, you can bid for art, furniture and interior among other things.
There are also a wide selection of design and furniture shops in Bredgade. You can for example visit KLASSIK Moderne Møbelkunst in number 3, Room 58 in number 4, Montana Store in number 24, Dansk Møbelkunst Gallery in number 5 and Jørgen Dalgaard in number 28.
Visit the art galleries in Bredgade.
Galerie Mikael Andersen shows modern art from both Danish and international artists in number 63. Bredgade Kunsthandel in number 67 is specialised in classic modernism and contemporary art.
Galleri Christoffer Egelund in number 75 has a very young artistic profile, while Martin Asbæk Gallery in number 23 is one of Copenhagen’s most esteemed galleries.