Boulder Reef at Søbadet
The stone reef is located at the already popular diving site Søbadet. Good opportunities for beach diving with very varied flora and fauna
How to find: Coming from Brovejen (Road 161) turn down at Galsklintvej and 400 metres ahead, turn right onto Søbadvej. At the end of the road, you are in front of the yellow building called Søbadet and Lillebælt (the Little Belt). The stone reef is about 50 metres away, down the beach towards the Little Belt Bridge. The rocks near the beach are sticking up above the surface of the water.
Longtitude: 55.31000
Latitude: 9.420200
Google Earth Coordinates:
Latitude: 55.516667
Longtitude: 9.700556
Getting in and up the water: The reef is an extension of the seashore and is perfect for beach diving.
Highlights: Unique opportunity to follow how the plant - and wildlife occupies a newly established reef and how life develops over time. Discover how the species are adapted to the environment surrounding them, which is why the species composition varies according to the depth.
Air filling station: There is a possibility of getting air at Hindsgavl Camping in Middelfart (open all year) within their opening hours: Hindsgavl Camping. Alternatively, you can ask at the local diving club in Middelfart: phone (+45)3311 1323 : Dykkerklubben Marsvinet
Best season: All year round
Dangerous areas: Avoid getting out in the belt and make sure your diving spot is clearly marked with A-flag. Sailing close to land occurs throughout the year.
Depth: 0 -20 meter
Tide: Can be strong further out, but rarely close to the beach. Keep an eye on the movement of the buoys and check the sea prognosis before entering the water.
Level of difficulty (1-5): 2-3
Permissions: None
Facilities: Parking and toilet (entrance inside the yellow building from the parking site) PLEASE NOTE: limited opening hours for toilet.
Photo opportunities: Wide angle and macro.