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Bikeroute - The yellow

The route is approx. 16 km

The yellow route takes you to many of the island’s beautiful vantage points.

From Tranebjerg go via Pillemarksvej to Fogedmarksvej, just around the city sign you find access to the old mill hill. The route continues out of Pillemark via Præstegårdsvej to “Dyret”, where a beautiful view awaits.

After Onsbjerg go along Havvejen to the parking area just before Sælvigbugtens campsite. Here you have access to Store Voerbjerg, with views of the entire island.

From here go via Stavns, Fjordvejen and Kanhave to the parking area at Naturskolen (nature school) located on the road to Langør. From here you have access to Grønhoved with views of Stavns Fjord mm.

End the route with an icecream at Langør Harbour.

Make your own route back.