Denmark's First Astronaut: See the Portrait of Andreas Mogensen at Frederiksborg Castle
On Par With Tycho Brahe
Perhaps you have heard of Andreas Mogensen, Denmark's first astronaut, who has been on space missions not once but twice.
Andreas Mogensen has become famous in Denmark and, according to the Frederiksborg Museum of National History, belongs in history alongside scientists like Tycho Brahe and H.C. Ørsted.
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See the Portrait of Andreas Mogensen
Due to the important role Andreas Mogensen has played in contemporary space missions, his portrait is to be included in the collection of the Frederiksborg Museum of National History for the joy and inspiration of future generations.
You can see the portrait at Frederiksborg Castle in the department of 20th and 21st-century art in the King's Wing (Kongefløjen) on the 3rd floor.
First Painting in Space
When you see the portrait of Andreas Mogensen, you're also looking at the world's first portrait painted while the astronaut was in space.
The artist who painted Andreas Mogensen is Danish Maria Wandel. She specialises in portrait art and graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2005.